(Heiner Strässer, Photographer)
Schauen Sie sich um, in den
Suiten und auf den Terassen des kleinen Höhlenhotels ASMALI CAVE HOUSE
in Kappadokien, Türkei.
Sehen Sie die individuellen Suiten aus einer
anderen Perspektive.
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Ich verstehe unter Panoramafotografie nicht nur das Erfassen eines grossen Blickwinkels in einem Bild, sondern die Möglichkeit der digitalen Fotografie, eine nahezu unbegrenzte Zahl von Einzelaufnahmen zu einem einzigen Bild zu verschmelzen. Die aufwändigste Form ist das (hochaufgelöste HDR-) Kugelpanorama mit einem Blickwinkel von 360° x 180°.
Heiner Sträßer
Member of International VR Photography Association
Springerstr. 8
D-81477 München
0049-(0)89-9789 2313
0049-(0)163-7254 257
Email: info@derpanoramafotograf.com
© Heiner Sträßer 2010 - alle Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Keinerlei Nutzung ohne schriftliche Vereinbarung.
Wether for individual travelling amateur photographers or for members of planned photo tours; Cappadocia's beauty is the ideal spot. Marvelous views, unusual valleys and formations, people and architecture.
More special Images from Cappadocia, Arts and Crafts, Traditions, Nightshots and Longtime Exposure, as well as Shootings and Making of... Photographer on Phototour.
Livingroom of Suite Asmalı Odalar - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Wohnzimmer der Suite Sirahane - Höhlenhotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Kappadokien, Türkei
Livingroom of Suite Kaya Odalar - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Master Bedroom of Suite Kaya Odalar - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Bathroom of Suite Kaya Odalar - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappdocia, Turkey
Terrace of Suite Asmalı Odalar - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
View from Terrace - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Nightview from Terrace of Suite Şırahane - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Terraces and Inner yard - Cave Hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE in Cappadocia, Turkey
Explore Cappadocia's rich culture and traditions and enjoy the beautiful seaside of the Lycian Coast. Combine your stay in the small cave hotel ASMALI CAVE HOUSE and the Holiday Home with pool VILLA YAKOMOZ. Enjoy Turkey!
For more information about your own small adventures, individual photo tours, hiking or simply
about a relaxed holiday in Cappadocia contact us directly:
a different small world, still full of history and traditions,
characterized by friendly and
hospitable people living in an unspoiled
village in the heart of Cappadocia.
. .
In 1985 Göreme National Park and six other rock sites of Cappadocia
were recognised by UNESCO
as one of the world's spectacular natural and
cultural site and added to the World Heritage List.
a different small world, still full of history and traditions,
characterized by friendly and hospitable people
living in an unspoiled
village in the heart of Cappadocia.
churches and monasteries hidden in caves, beautiful valleys and rock
formations - nature and a breaze
of adventure for the curious explorer.
Childhood memories and stories from the eldest of Uçhisar and Cappadocia. See old photos and read about their past lives. There are happy as well as sad stories and maybe sometimes, with the passage of time, truth and fiction melt into one another.
Since many years, Cappadocia is used to be a natural film set for many national and international movies. Producers and directors had been inspired by the magical landscape. From TV-Series to Science-Fiction or Thriller, Cappadocia was obviously worth being chosen.